Sunday 30 April 2017

Photos: Nigerian Mortuary Attendant From Enugu Snaps Photos With Dead Corpses And Posts It On Facebook

This Nigerian guy Val Don-zima who works at a Morgue has just posted a series of Photos from his work place;

According to his facebook profile he Studied at C.S.S Ngwo uno
Lives in Enugu Ngwo, and is a native of Enugu, Nigeria;

See some comments he received below;

Kay Moni If you think your alarm woke you up daily,just take your phone to his mortuary,place it beside the dead and see if they will get up,rise up and give thanks to the living God,one day we will all lay down like this and won’t get up,but while you’re alive praise your maker ,you’re not better than the dead,grace kept us…happy sunday
Easydon Love Why posting the picture of a dead person in the morgue ? That’s unprofessional and this idiot can be sued.
Ikeme P Success This seems insane, but I think it’s a wake up call to humble ourselves & appreciate our maker @ least for the gift of life before other things that are attached to life.
Timiebi James the families of this bodies could sue him and the firm for this , as if they have not grieved enough , putting their face in public space could cause more emotional trauma to these families. this is a wrong move on his part, be proud of your job but you should be thinking about others emotions. that makes us humans and alive.

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